Duncan Pritchard and S. Orestis Palermos argue that it isn’t obvious why being smart is associated with holding lots of information in your head.
These are (mainly) longer form essays. Many of those written prior to 2024 also appeared in the print version of The Philosophers’ Magazine.
Freedom Compromised
Stephen Mumford considers whether the presence of mental illness undermines the capacity to act freely.
Kierkegaard in 800 Words
Julian Baggini looks at the life and work of Soren Kierkegaard.
Do Animals Have Free Will?
Helen Steward argues that in thinking about free will, it is essential to consider the capacities of animals.
Wittgenstein in 800 Words
Rupert Read introduces the work and ideas of Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Kant’s Legacy
Paul Guyer considers the centrality of the idea of autonomy to Kant’s legacy.
Should the Law on Assisted Dying Be Changed?
Marianne Talbot considers the reasons to change the law on assisted dying.
Descartes in 800 Words
Johnathan Walmsley introduces Descartes’ method of doubt.
How to Think about Objective Morality
Peter Monnerjahn argues that “absolute truth” is a notion we have no need for and should discard.
The Fact/Opinion Distinction
John Corvino argues that the claim “That’s just your opinion” is pernicious and should be consigned to the flames.