Constantine Sandis and Nassim N Taleb on how to think about risk, harm and having skin in the game.
Tag: ethics
Peter Singer: Claiming Darwin for the Left
In 1998, Julian Baggini interviewed Peter Singer for Issue 4 of The Philosophers’ Magazine.
The Nonsense-On-Stilts Conclusion, Part II
We need a whole different way to do ethics. A very old one, really.
Voluntary Euthanasia: Beware of the Godly!
Russell Blackford examines some of the arguments offered against assisted suicide.
On the Ethics of Suicide
Jeremy Stangroom asks whether it is possible to construct a convincing moral case against a (particular) decision to commit suicide.
An Antidote to Injustice
Jennifer M Morton argues that a philosophical education needs to enable students to conceive of a better way for things to be.
On Charlie Hebdo and Free Speech
Alan Haworth argues the Charlie Hebdo attacks were an assault on a particular view of the good society, one which views citizens as both equal and free.
Freedom Compromised
Stephen Mumford considers whether the presence of mental illness undermines the capacity to act freely.
Kant’s Legacy
Paul Guyer considers the centrality of the idea of autonomy to Kant’s legacy.
Should the Law on Assisted Dying Be Changed?
Marianne Talbot considers the reasons to change the law on assisted dying.