Jo Phoenix examines how a woman’s journey through the criminal justice system is structured by profound sex-based inequalities.
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Clare Marie Moriarty reflects on philosophy and motherhood in a tribute to Professor Maria Rosa Antognazza.
What Is the Philosophy of Madness?
Justin Garson on the philosophy of madness, and the importance of listening to what madness is trying to say.
Who Is Feminism For?
Holly Lawford-Smith considers whether gender identity should replace sex as the core concept of feminism.
Why Does It Have To Mean Anything?
Victoria Smith on the depoliticisation of female body hatred.
Religious Influence and Religious Toleration
Russell Blackford on a new kerfuffle in New South Wales.
Older and Wiser?
Older and Wiser” is a common adage, but is it correct, asks Christine Overall.
The Ethics of Suicide
Anand Jayprakash Vaidya considers the “one truly serious philosophical problem”.
Just Say Sex
Russell Blackford sees no need for euphemism when talking about biological categories.
Inequality in Retirement
Jonathan Wolff argues that the superrich are not the only beneficiaries of systemic economic inequality.