Issue 89


Exact Editions

Issue 89 Contents

5 – Editorial James Garvey

6 – Philosophy, In a Sense Constantine Sandis
8 – Living the Life of the Mind Charlotte Knowles
12 – Capitalism After Covid Julian Friedland
16 – The Skeptic Wendy M. Grossman

18 – Introduction
20 – Parenting with Siddhartha William Irwin
25 – I Think, Therefore I Slam Douglas Edwards
32 – Temporary Tattoos Julia Minarik
37 – Adam Smith and Capitalism Today Ryan Patrick Hanley
44 – Democracy: What’s It Good For? Robert B. Talisse
50 – Who Is a Meaning of Life For? Elijah Millgram
55 – Snapshot: Lady Mary Shepherd Deborah Boyle

Forum: New Moral Questions
59 – Introduction
62 – The Ethics of AI and the Moral Responsibility of Philosophers Paula Boddington 
69 – Winning the Battle, Losing the War Ryan Jenkins
76 – New Moral Questions and Refugees Mollie Gerver
84 – The Venn Diagram from Hell Kathleen Dean Moore and Michael Paul Nelson
91 – Keeping Close to Home Katherine Furman 
96 – The Ethics of Social Distancing Nicholas G. Evans

104 – Introduction
106 – The Other Life Jean Kazez
108 – The Plague Margaret Betz
110 – Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind Ken Daley
114 – Moving Up Without Losing Your Way: The Ethical Costs of Upward Mobility Helen De Cruz
117 – Adornment: What Self-Decoration Tells About Who We Are Erich Hatala Matthes
119 -Two Beers Before Phronesis Q and A with Connor Bevan